Club de jeux 1D Troyes | Warhammer, Warmachine, BloodBowl, LSDA
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Club de jeux 1D Troyes | Warhammer, Warmachine, BloodBowl, LSDAConnexion

Votre association de jeux de figurines dans l'Aube.

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descriptionVague Cryx EmptyVague Cryx

Voilà la prochaine faction à avoir plein de nouveauté et être modifier c'est Cryx:

Modification sur les refs actuels attention c'est en CID donc non officiel:

Warwitch Deneghra: Deneghra 1 is a very powerful Warcaster. With the ability to play incredibly strong assassination, attrition, and control styles she is one of the most versatile and powerful Warcasters in the game. We have gone through many different options to tone her down and we felt that her control and assassination game is the best place to shave a little of her power level off. Allowing enemy models to Run, Charge, and make Special Attacks and Actions should reduce the total shut-down some players felt after her feat turn. To hamper her assassination potential, we removed Scourge and replaced it with Black Talons, a new spell. AOE 3” Critical Shadowbind is certainly less powerful than an AOE attack that knocked down anything hit, but can still lead to some powerful plays. We hope that these changes can bring Deneghra 1 in line with the rest of the game.

Wraith Witch Deneghra:
Deneghra 2 has been re-imagined with these changes. A completely new feat, a re-worked spell list, and a new direction on play style should help bring the caster back to the table. As a concept Deneghra 2’s army should play like a stealthy strike team hitting the opponent fast and hard, completing its objectives and then escaping back to the shadows after the battle. (Please note this is a conceptual description and should not be taken word-for-word when thinking about her spells and abilities). Spells like Shadowstep, Damnation and the latest version of her feat, Web of Shadows, all have strong thematic components to them to support this idea. We also swapped around some of her other spells to make them more interesting and synergistic with the other portions of her rules. Please note we have removed the restriction of only casting Breath Stealer once per turn. This change will also affect Saeryn 1 and Cyphon 1.

Corruptor: We felt that the Corruptor was slightly too expensive for its output. Lowering it to 15 points should help it play out a little more favorably when building lists.

Black Ogrun Boarding Party: These models are pretty unique in Cryx and we feel with a slight nudge this unit could become a real contender. Jumping up to defense 13 and picking up Gang could be the bump they need to see the table.

Satyxis Blood Witches: Replacing Blood Mist with Grevious Wounds in their menu of options allows us to make the changes listed below to the Blood Hag. This change will make the unit more consistently useful.

Blood Hag: Removing Entropic Force in exchange for Grevious Wounds on the entire unit allowed us to play with the Blood Hag’s rules. Because of the inherent lower P+S in the theme force, adding Dark Shroud to the Blood Hag gives an option for utility from the unit. Side Step on the unit can be quite strong setting up Gang and pairs very well Axiara’s Reposition [3”] to clear lanes of your own models or dig deeper into the opposing force.

Satyxis Gunslingers: The Gunslingers have swapped out a few shot types for some more generally useful abilities. Part of this does remove the ability to create a cloud wall out of shooting your own models. While this seems very unlikely to occur when theme forces are taken into account, it’s still an interaction we were not a big fan of. These new shots types with Severa’s Run and Gun make this unit quite potent.

Satyxis Raider Sea Witch: Satyxis Raiders are an incredibly strong unit – we wanted to increase the cost of the Sea Witch because she doesn’t fit inside the curve when looking at the benefits she brings compared to other attachments.

Black Industries: We have added Black Ogrun Iron Mongers to Black Industries.

Poste suivant les images des nouvelles figs Cryx

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C'est quand même bien sympa dans l'ensemble!
Le thème pirate leur va vraiment bien!

descriptionVague Cryx EmptyRe: Vague Cryx

Punaise ca claque !

descriptionVague Cryx EmptyRe: Vague Cryx

C'est beau ouais , mais bon nerfer Denegra et les satixis c'est moche . Tout ça pour rattraper leur Ghost Fleet à la con . Ça laisse un goût amer à mon petit Coeur .

descriptionVague Cryx EmptyRe: Vague Cryx

Non honnètement Deneghra était trop forte.
Peu importe le type de liste avec Deneghra c'était fort. Et puis ça ne la rend pas injouable non plus Wink

Pour les satyxis c'est quoi le changement le coût en point c'est tout? C'est pas non plus abusé non?

descriptionVague Cryx EmptyRe: Vague Cryx

Allez un peu de rendu 3D chez nos amis les Cryx :
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Et une resculpte pour les copines a Guillaume :
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Du Cryx à molette ^^
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Ca claque. Ils ont des envies maritimes chez PP en ce moment ? Ils foutent des bateaux partout XD

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ils vont se mettre a briskars =)

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y'a pas à dire c'est quand même superbe! Les trolls sont MAGNIFIQUES!

descriptionVague Cryx EmptyRe: Vague Cryx

Les trolls sont cools , les meufs sont grave cool , mais les mecs en haut sont dégeu , je sais pas ce que c'est mais ça ne me plait pas .

descriptionVague Cryx EmptyRe: Vague Cryx

j'ai vu ça sur le net, c'est qui ?
Vague Cryx DUkukuBUQAAblYI

descriptionVague Cryx EmptyRe: Vague Cryx

Hum recast de Skarre ?

descriptionVague Cryx EmptyRe: Vague Cryx

Très belle, p'tit coté WoW.

descriptionVague Cryx EmptyRe: Vague Cryx

C'est pas skarre 3 ?

descriptionVague Cryx EmptyRe: Vague Cryx

Ah bon?
Je croyais que Skarre 3 est sur un bateau?
Skarre 3 tombe à l'eau?
Qui reste sur le bateau?^^

descriptionVague Cryx EmptyRe: Vague Cryx

Ah oué t'as raison

(les pirates sinon)

descriptionVague Cryx EmptyRe: Vague Cryx

j'ai trouvé qui c'est c'est la Sea witch! (l'ua des satixys raiders!)
Si le reste de l'unité est de la même qualité ca sera très beau!
Je me souviens de Guigui qui a pleuré en montant la version métalique Very Happy

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les nouveautés CRYX sont sorties :
Vague Cryx 34151_BlightedTrollkinMarauders_WEB Vague Cryx 34146_SchardeDirgeSeers_WEB Vague Cryx 34148_SeveraBlacktide_WEB
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